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How to Pose for Family Photos


Updated: Dec 30, 2022

Most of us feel uncomfortable not knowing what to do when for a our portraits and one of the reason most of us avoid photos.

Firstly, as a photographer it is my job to help you feel comfortable in front of the camera and also to know how to pose your family. However, I know some us would like an idea.

Tips and Ideas to make you feel confident and comfortable for your family session.

Create a Mood Board

Download Pinterst if you don't have it already and look for images that will suit your family. If you a family of four - search for images of family of four and pin images that you think will suit your family. Don't post hundreds of photographs keep them to max of twenty image.

Some things to keep in mind to help with the posing

  • Wear something comfortable

  • Wear your heart on your sleeve

  • Trust your photographer that she will get your best angle

  • Hugs work well, kid hugs, couple hug, family group hug

  • Tne kiss on the forehead, cheek

  • Cuddles

  • Pick the kids up and swing them in the air, pick up mom

  • Piggyback's is fun for both mom and dad and the kids

  • Walking towards the camera and away from the camera

  • Dancing - twirling with your princess

  • Sandwich the kiddies between mom and dad

  • Holding hands

  • Tickles always fun

  • Laughing out loud

These are some great ideas to even try when shooting your children, its interactive and always fun.

Hope this has been helpful to keep you at ease



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