I see in pictures, I get lost in them.
My soul is full when I can create.
I know what beauty looks like.
My world changes through the view finder.
A love that is constant and never disappointing.

My Story
I have been a photographer for close to 14 years. My love for photography was always there but started to take shape when I become a mommy. I also prayed for something I can do from home while being with the kido's. Just like that, God answered and hubby stepped in with a Camera with a broken screen.
The camera went in for repairs, while in for repairs I devoured my manual from back to front and made little notes. Photography came natural to me and many was surprised that I picked up photography so quickly.
Soon a friend asked me to capture there birthday and one thing let to another. I started capturing families and weddings. But soon things started to slow down, the clients I had no longer really booked and whenever I showed up, I needed extra money and would sell my clients my latest deal. It was pretty frustrating for me and my clients. When ever I showed up, I showed up when I needed them and I also realized I keep talking to the same people, they have either already invested in me or I was just not there photographer.
With that I was going to give up but God was leading me yet again... I came across personal branding. I was like wow!! this is amazing, maybe God does not want me to give up. Just like I devoured my manual so I devoured every content on personal branding.
You can wake me up at night and ask me what is personal branding I will literally explain to you while still sleeping.
So as the research kept going, I found personal branding photography. I could now combine my craft with my new found knowledge and share it with fellow entrepreneurs that is struggling to sell their product.
Thus my journey with personal branding has begun and I'm excited at the prospect of helping entrepreneurs understand their brand and get their brand out for the world to see, to be in front of premium clients and get paid their worth.
Look around my page to get more info on branding and follow me on my social networks as I always share golden nuggets on how to make you brand seen.
Warm Hugz,